Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mid Week Update: Decision Decision Decisions

Post Represents: Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Original Email Sent My Team Today (Wednesday, May 9, 2012)

Greetings Team, 

We are exactly one month away from our ground breaking plans and much will have to be determined very soon. 

Decisions have to be made quickly and swiftly. If they are not made in a timely and wise fashion, the fate of this project could be demolished. 

My focus has been fund raising for the past couple weeks. Its not an exciting endeavor, yet it can't be neglected. The results have been slow but I am thankful to say there are results. The current results are no where close to our budgetary needs but every dollar counts. 

Based on the pace of things and some lack of and/or fading involvement from some of us, I'm lead to constantly contemplating decisions after decisions.  Decisions that I have pondered upon recently and it has now resurfaced indefinitely.  

In mind I have confirmed one particular decision but I'm going to wait out one more week and then make the announcement. This time next week some or all of you will know exactly what I'm writing about. 

What about the shoot? Does this mean there might not be a show and/or project? 

If those types of questions are flowing through your mind, let me assure you, we will get it done. All of our efforts will not go in vain. However, the manner towards how we approach the project will be altered for the sake of sanity, time, budget and experience needed from some team members. 

I won't mention any names but some of you have really stepped up to the plate. There is no better reward to a team then when an individual takes the initiative and contributes beyond the call of their duty. Those who also simply take the time out to check in, and communicate provides this project the greatest of rewards and pleasures. 

I also want to thank those who simply posted our fund raising link on their Facebook page. That is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Until next week continue with your current assignments. If you don't have an assignment feel free to ask for one. Some decisions will be made and we'll just have to adjust. Its as simply as that. Don't worry the decision won't be drastic in anyway shape or fashion. The decision will complement this project is a very meaningful and more relaxing way. If the decision is made it will be considered more so as "timely." 

Most recently we have added the following people to the team.  


Welcome to the team. I'm hoping that we will all meet each other really soon. 

For now put down Sunday, May 20th on your calendar. We'll probably meet in the early afternoon. The location is TBA. 

Note: I have not sent out the department contact list over yet because of some of the pending decisions. Don't worry you will have them soon and everything we get done professionally. 

Thank you all so much. 

Continuously looking forward to making history with you. 


As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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