Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 362: Total Solar Eclipse brings New Beginnings

Weekly Written Review 

For the past few days I became a total solar eclipse specialist. All this talk about the eclipse coming got me researching and wondering what exactly does it represent? Why is it so special? Some say it has a lot to do with the protest and riots in Charlotteville, VA and other incidents around the world. Peoples emotions are high and the eclipse/mercury retrograde has a lot to do with it. Moreover, one of the first things I learned is that this is the first total solar eclipse in 99 years to stretch coast-to-coast across the United States, and the first to grace the skies of the lower 48 states in 38 years. Eclipses are rare natural phenomenons also believed to bring meaning and significance to our lives and can be an accelerator of growth. Without a second thought I started to align myself with this phenomenon to be leverage to my advantage.

Bottom line eclipses represent new beginnings, they represent reform, a time of transition and I did everything in my knowledge to capitalize on that. On Sunday my friend and I did an spiritual prosperity bath and I spoke into existence specifically what I want, desire, and deserve from the world. The bath included warm salt water and warm honey water with my personal cologne and yellow flower petals.

On the day of the Eclipse made sure I was outside walking. Los Angeles didn't get the true eclipse effect but the energy was present. Two days before the eclipse I even called my mom and shared the knowledge with her. I highly encouraged her to be prayed up and meditate. Towards the end of the eclipse day I recall being extra mellow and poised. I did however get goose bumps when watched the full eclipse on the internet.

This week marks the beginning of my new life filled with prosperity and abundance which I admit began quite immediately.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

* War for the Planets of the Apes

* Tennis with LuLu

* Ralph's

* Prosperity bath

* Duck Tales

Monday, August 21, 2017

* Total Solar Eclipse

* Relaxing...mellowed out...

* 2 Callbacks

* Tennis

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

* Callback Expedia

* Callback Direct TV

* Audition video sent for Flight 666

* Procrastination/Short film phone call booking. No audition necessary. This guy checked out my profile and was so impressed she said I didn't have to audition. This is a role with speaking lines. That's an honor and I accepted.

Wednesday, August, 23, 2017

* Expedia call...on avail request

* Tennis with Amanda

* Trader Joe's, Ralph's

* 2 Flight 666 audition videos sent

Thursday, August 24, 2017 

* Alac/Hulu audition

* Basketball/YMCA. Got hit in the throat pretty hard but not hard enough to show it. It did hurt for a few days.

* 7:00pm free Episodic season workshop

Friday, August 25, 2017

* 11am sports host callback

* Laundrymat

Saturday, August 26, 2017 

* Photo shoot with Taylor. I met this girl on the train like last week. Offered her a photo shoot. It was great for her, so so for me. Humans...

* Audition video sent...Strays

* Mayweather VS Megregor fight. Go Mayweather! Thanks to Facebook live I got to see the end of the flight VIA a live feed with other people watching it on a TV.

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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