Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Week 487: Period of Manifestation

Weekly Written Review 

Atarah told me this is the Period of Manifestation and I believe her. I talked about following up with two people and they followed up with me before I got a chance to reach out with them. First by the producer covering my faith-based script and I got a surprise email from a finance executive about my autobio script. It was a surprise because I thought she was providing feedback for the boxing comedy I sent her on the 24th but it was actually for my autobio script. Initially, I sent her my autobio script, soon after I got notes from Atarah and I asked the executive for some more time to send an updated version instead. Later we discussed her not reading it until I found some equity to back up my project. I made sense of that matter because I understand my script is a hard sell for an unknown person.

Unexpectedly, she sent the older version of my script to her partner without me knowing and the feedback was incredible. Here's a quote from their coverage, "Due to Motown's work ethic and his drive I would really love to see this script become a big movie." Following that email, I found out they are pushing the script to producers and investors. I was also informed, that if I can raise about 100,000.00 I can get my project rolling. That's the best news I've received about a script. I was not expecting this at all. It's exciting but I certainly can't celebrate just yet. I still got a long journey ahead of me. For now, I'm very thankful for the news.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

* Lazy day...

* Computer work...

* Showing Papa several youtube video clips of me for the first time. I think he's a fan.

Monday, January 13, 2020

* Alumni center review

* Errands...

* Reunion prepping...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

* RAD notes talk...

* Autobio surprise update. I got really great feedback.

* Reunion prep

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

* Declined a commercial audition in for today. It's in LA.

* Reunion prep

* RAD edits

Thursday, January 16, 2020

* Leto vs. Tampa Bay Tech basketball game. An old coach told me he plays Pickle Ball and I looked it up. I then realized it was the sport I witnessed last week. During half time I walked on the court and make my first shot, a 3-pointer. Joey-O recorded it. I thought I was going to airball it. That was satisfying.

* Watching more video clips with Papa

Friday, January 17, 2020

* I made a phone call to set up a tennis match for tomorrow and the person said they want to introduce me to Pickle Ball. It must be meant for me to play that sport because it's been taunting me since I got to Tampa.

* Roti pick up

* Reunion prep... I planned to provide food from Jerk Hut but there's communicating. I quoted Tara's Roti Shop and my father suggested Kreyol Delight. My father actually gave me a great idea. That's a first. Plus, my father's consistent support for Kreyold Delight got me a discount on my catering order.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

* Introduction to Pickle Ball in Riverview

* Tennis...

* Sam's card pick up at Pam's

* Lunch with Rodney and Malcolm

* Today I found out I'm a 40-year-old baby, therefore, I canceled an upcoming trip. Oddly, it was probably for the best. Not the disrespect but that I didn't take the road trip. I called to address a matter in the morning but we kept missing each other on the way and while I was playing Pickle Ball. On the way to lunch, we connected but I wasn't pleased how that conversation opened up. I decided to share the matter later. Hours later, at home, I shared the matter and we concluded the conversation. She didn't hang up and I heard her express her true feelings about my matter which finalized my decision about the upcoming road trip. A trip that would've totaled over 18 roads traveling. More than likely it would've had an impact on the success of my event. I truly wanted to be there to support her great accomplishment but the signs were not favoring the expedition.

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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