Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 485: Another Sad Love Song?

Weekly Written Review 

Prior to The Meeting, I had no idea what the aftermath would be. The Meeting passed and understanding was still lacking, as a result, I wasn't in the most positive state. I need to understand everything I'm apart of or I can get destructive. A three worded text sent with good intentions got returned to sender. "Keep your lousy text," is how I responded. Additional, text highlights were "Not fun to love", "Best and worst...", "Another Sad Love Song." Then on Monday, The Talk part 1 was in session, trapped in the closet. A person whom I would previously describe as a coward executed her most courageous act. I truly wish audio was recorded. Boldly looking into my pupils she made a passionate confession and revealed some desires (toward me). Much of her admissions were inspired by my wise remarks yet I was impressed. As for being convinced, the presentation could use some work, as well as the order of the program. The Talk part 2 brought a really interesting element into the equation (RIP M3 aka Triple M). Somehow before her departure, over a fresh crisp tossed garden salad, an agreement was settled. If that agreement is to ever be revisited it won't be for another 6 months or so. Aside from the painful nostalgia, I admit our serendipitous reunion has been fun. Meanwhile, the best way to conclude this post is by saying, "Only Time Will Tell."

Updated (1-7-20): Halfway into The Talk I admitted my spirit was troubled. Our reconnection appears special but it's all happenstance. It's hard to find something unique about it. The unfortunate reality is a beautiful angel had to passway for any of this to happen. She claims I've been on her mind several times over the years but she never reached out. Happenstance isn't impressive. Nor is it sexy. Fear kept her from making an effort. Why did Marrisa have to die for this to happen? In her claim (wish has been proven), there's an odd element within the equation. The day before Marrisa passed away she sent an email out of the blue, to an address that I haven't used in ages. I've been using my current email address much longer than that old one. She shouldn't have even had that old address and I don't believe she would've followed up. Less than 24hrs after her random text, Marissa passed away, I reached out to about 4 individuals and behold. This is why I consider the Talk troubling.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

* Relaxing day...

* Tandem watching Witcher

* Gaming...

* Note: Keep your lousy text

Monday, December 30, 2019

* Pam's House...Just Dance

* The Talk Part 1...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

* Papa's haircut

* Church, Without Walls...

* Another Sad Love Song...

Wednesday, January 1, 2019

* on one, 5-straight wins, (3) one on one and (2) 21 wins)

* Introducing Switch to a family

* The Talk part 2 M3 aka Triple M

Thursday, January 2, 2019

*Bye bye M3

* Phone talking...

* RAD stuff...sending emails...

Friday, January 3, 2019

* Screencraft Amination Submission

* Blogging...

* Redlobster food pick up...

* Aretha Franklin on Chromecast for my pops...

* Visitor arrives with gifts for parents...

* College photo album review...

*  The same thing that happened on the night of Jan 1st, happened again.

Saturday, January 4, 2019

* Blogging...

* Gaming with At...

* Farewell to an old friend. It almost didn't happen...because of that name that didn't make sense to me.

* Walmart... got noticed by a past associate, Roosevelt

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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