Monday, March 15, 2021

Week 547: A Whole New Sport

 Weekly Written Review 

C&B revisions are going well but the second remaster is kicking me in the butt. Of course, closed captions are the culprit. Remaster part 2 isn't going to happen as quickly as I had hoped but truthfully, there's no rush. It will happen in Godspeed. 

In other news, I played soccer today essentially for the first time ever. Maybe I played soccer as kid in PE or maybe not. I found a group via an app and joined. How was I you ask? I was pretty bad but not completely terrible. I did have a lot of terrible moments in the end. The few times the ball was kicked to me but I couldn't control it. I think my defense was okay. The first time I played goalie I was decent. The second time I was up for goalie, I was hot garage. It looked bad but it might not have totally been my fault. I don't recall my team contesting the ball during a lot of those moments. I think it we because they were tired. There was a time the ball rolled down the field like a bowling ball and it went right in between my legs for a score. That was pretty embarrassing. One of my teammates told me I did well as goalie after the game those were probably half-truths. He's an awesome player with college experience and a nice guy. 

Now, the big questions are, did I like it and will I play again? My answers yes and yes. I like it because it's a new challenge. I could turn away from the sport because I currently suck but I'm not going to do that. I'm going to embrace the challenge and work toward getting better. The workout isn't bad either. I don't think I'm going to fall in love with soccer but I'll certainly be back next time. I will also invest in proper gear to improve my performance. 

Lastly, onto a matter closer to home. For about a year now, I've had a new housemate that gave me nothing but negative energy since he arrived. One time he roughly confronted me because he thought I was using his shampoo. Nothing but nonsense and mean mugs from him. Saturday morning before soccer, my landlady asked me if I saw a can of paint in the yard. I pointed one out to another guy and the negative guy got all grumpy with me because it belonged to him. That's when I had enough. Peacefully, I approached, addressing his negativity. First, I gave us a proper introduction. I asked for his name. I told him my name and that I am a man of peace. I mentioned the shampoo incident. He explained what he heard. We talked about issues related to our living situation, then, in a matter of minutes, he shook my hand. We talked a little more and bumped fists before departing. The next time we crossed paths, we acknowledged each other subtlely. Before leaving for soccer, he was fixing something and I told him "I'm here to help if you need it." He said," God bless you". I told him the same. After soccer, as I was leaving to go back to my second location, he said, "Hey, Mo". I returned the, "Hey".  I was surprised that he greeted me again and he was really cheerful about it. He noticed clothes in my bag I was carrying and said, "Doing laundry?" I said, "yeah". 

It such a blessing to all the negative energy removed. Praise God. Let's keep these positive vibes flowing, nonstop. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

* Relaxed 

* Watching Gemini Man

Monday, March 8, 2021

* C&B revisions...

* Watching an episode for Transformers Earthsiege 

* Fitness Boxing Tandem

* 2nd Remaster (rendering drafts) - day 7 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

* Apex Legends Switch download...

* C&B revisions...

* 2nd Remaster (captions) - day 8

* Watching an episode for Transformers Earthsiege 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

* Taxes appointment/drop off...

* 2nd Remaster (captions- start ep2) - day 9

* C&B revisions...

* Gaming...

* Watching Pose

Thursday, March 11, 2021

* C&B revisions

* Watching Pose

* 2nd Remaster (captions-ep 2 continues - day 10

Friday, March 12, 2021

* C&B revisions...

* Watching Sonic The Hedgehog The Movie.

* C&B revisions...

Saturday, March 13, 2021

* Started playing soccer...

* Peace and resolution at my garage. Finally.

* Rent subsidy check arrived. Free until February 2022

* Watching Coming to America 2...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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