Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 509: Garage Return - One Era Closes Another Era Opens

Weekly Written Review 

The quarantine inspired a 3-month getaway and today I returned to back to my garage. The past 3 months was pure luxury in comparison but there's no place like home. Upon arrival, I got a letter stating my food stamps are stopping at the end of this month. In the past, this type of letter would be devastating and I'd put up a fight to get it back. This time, I accepted my EBT's fate. Either that or decline my unemployment. I'm not doing that because that pandemic boost is too good. It's going not going to be easy parting with my EBT card but I didn't plan to be on EBT forever. I believe the stopping of my food stamps represents a change or a new era without government support. I've had EBT since August of 2011. Approximately 9 years. I didn't plan to say goodbye just yet but I'm ready for a new era.

For the month of July, August, September, and beyond I won't have EBT but I'll have an Angeleno Card. At the start of the pandemic, Los Angeles offered financial support for those hit hardest. I applied but wasn't approved. Out of the blue, I got an email on Tuesday that allowed me to come in for an interview. I wasn't sure what would happen but I got it. What a blessing! It's a one-time payment and I'll use a good portion of it for food in the upcoming months. I'll admit my first purchase wasn't a necessity in terms of survival but my heart wanted to support an African-American business so I did. I'll use the rest of it for food for sure :0)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

* Returned to my garage after spending 3 months away in quarantine.

* Deep garage cleaning... I got a rug up in here now! 

* Treatment proofing...

* Call with half bro... Decent conversation but oh well...

Monday, June 15, 2020

* CB Treatment due and submitted

* First stock purchase (AMC)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

* Back with ISA... made 3 screenplay submissions. 

* Phone calls...

* Angeleno Card email 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

* Hitting the big 10 in my account for the first time. I don't recall ever being close before.

* Angeleno Card acquired 

* Twitter script interest lead to my script submission to a big production company...

* Finally Copyrighted most of my scripts...

Thursday, June 18, 2020

* Finally ordered Ring Fit Adventure. Can't believe it. 

* Walk with arm weights

* Gaming with Raj, talk with Raj... life and stocks

Friday, June 19, 2020

* Tennis, a total of six showed. Good games... A long nap later. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

* Ring Fit Adventure arrived

* Walk... Food 4 Less run. Helped an old lady cross the street :-)

* Stock homework... 

* Accidentally drinking bottled pee. Terrible accident. Don't ask! 

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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