Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Week 511: Parallel Decade

Weekly Written Review 

This week I had a mind-opening epiphany. I'm in a parallel decade. There is a stark contrast and unique comparisons between 2010 and 2020.

2010: January 23rd, The Motown Maurice Show premiered 

2020: January 25th, The Motown Maurice Show had a 10-year reunion

2010: Financial debt. 

2020: Abundance 

2010: April, I moved out of my apartment and spent 6 months in a condo. 

2020: March, I took a break from my garage for 3 months. Escaped at my writing partner's place. 

2010: Briefly, reconnected with my first girlfriend then cut her off. 

2020: Reconnected with her (Nov 2019 for the first time since 2010) and cut her off 6 months later. 

2010: Entered into the world of auditions/pitching/craigslist. 

2020: Entered into the world stocks and investments and screenplay pitching. 

2010: Submitted to Oprah's Your Own Show Contest and became a running finalist. 

2020: Submitted to BET's Project CRE8 Contest and became a top 30 finalist. 

2010: Submitted my late-night talk show demo/reel for hosting opportunities.   

2020: Submitting my screenplays for multiple opportunities.

2010: Reunited with my love for basketball.

2020: Reunited with my love-hate relationship with running.

2010: Started a beard protest

2020: Goatee protest

2010: Uploading episodes of my late-night talk show on Youtube 

2020: Uploading commercials for my youtube channel. 

2010: Deep state of depression   

2020: Deep state of joy

Less than a week after noticing I'm in a parallel decade, I realized I got the material for an interesting documentary.

Update: 7/8/20

2010: Spiritually empty/depression

2020: Spiritually full

2010:  Ended my relationship with credit cards

2020: Reunited with credit cards... reluctantly. (I'm still anti-credit card, I did it for the rewards)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

* Shooting 5 Youtube commercials

* Watching The Avatar The Last Airbender

* Brawlhalla tournament. I won again.

Monday, June 29, 2020

* Meeting with Kathrine (C&B)...

* Commerical pick-up shots

* Using my EBT card for the last time. It's the end of an era.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

* Walk, UPS Joycon drop off...

* Commerical editing...

* Autobio rewrite. Down to 122 pages. Started the rewrite last week.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

* Autobio rewrite. Down to 118 pages.

* Surprise email from Netflix... 

*The Late Night Experiment commercial uploads (2).

Thursday, July 2, 2020

* Autobio rewrite. Completed at 115 pages from 128.

* Blogging...

* A few weeks ago I found out about Netflix's Imagine Impact contest. They have four categories. The first one is Action-Adventure. I made sure to follow them for upcoming genre announcements. Today, while relaxing from the long rewrite of my autobio, I followed up on some Facebook messages. My lovely colleague Bernadette G, who has been looking out for me throughout the pandemic, send me a message two days ago. It had two links. One was about an acting opportunity. I wasn't interested in that. The other was for Netflix's Imagine Impact. I thanked her and told her I already knew about Impact. 

I decided to dive back into research because I haven't heard any updates recently. Then I an epiphany, yes, another. Early this week Netflix directly reached out to me (via Connect The Writers) and asked about my animation script. I sent then my logline and disappointingly, they didn't request it because they said the had something similar in development. I didn't like that because my animation is probably my favorite script. Back to Imagine Impact, while browsing through the application process, I saw some prompts that made me realize the origin of my script. The idea for CLN was originally a live-action mixed with CGI. Later, I contacted my writing partner and told her, "lets shift back." She agreed!

This is where disappointment builds a foundation. That decision lead to a 3-day write, pitch video and an application process. All because Bernadette G reminded me of a contest that I didn't realize I already material for. The process took approximately 30 hours.

* Ring Fit Adventure workout

Friday, July 3, 2020

* Tennis...

* Bestbuy, Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy...

* CLN rewrite/revisions (around 8pm to 12am)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

* CLN rewrite/revisions (12pm to 2am) 14 hours. One more writing day on Sunday (week 513)

* Writing script for video pitches...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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