Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 433: No We Can't Tomorrow?

Weekly Written Review 

Continuing from where I left off last week 432, my father reluctantly agreed to set up the TV. I touched base with him multiple times before the actual set up. Finally, I came to set it up the evening of New Year's Eve and this guy says "Can we set it up tomorrow?" I couldn't believe. I said, "No more procrastination." He begins to resist and says, "I'm watching the news. After the news!" I said, "This is ridiculous and stupid. I'm coming during the commercial break and I'm setting it up." I couldn't believe he was fighting with me about this. When I noticed the commercials showing I proceeded. He wasn't angry but he certainly wasn't excited. I rolled away the dinosaur tube, swept the area and brought in the new table first. Then I grabbed the 50 inch and his immediate response was, "oh, that's nice." He started smiling. For whatever reason, he thought I got him a jumbo TV that was too big for the room and that's why he didn't want it. When my mom revealed the TV on Christmas night she showed him the box. He judged the size of the TV based on the box which was big but still a terrible excuse not to give the TV a chance. The set up was quick and easy. The only challenging part was getting the remote to control the volume. That took a while but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle. He instantly fell in love with the TV. It was such an unnecessary fight just to gift him. All I'm trying to do is enhance his life but his stubbornness made him put up a fight in protection of his stone age life.

Prior to setting up the TV he signed a contract. That contract had two requests. One was to agree to watch an inspirational video. I had plans for a while to show him a snippet from a video called The Secret. There's a segment in the video that tells the story about a man who got paralyzed in a plane crash. Doctors told him he would never walk again. The man determination had another plan. He set a date and goal to walk again and he did. I thought this would be a great video for him to watch. Like I said, he signed a contract stating that he would watch it. Then on the night of the TV setup, I told him we'll watch the video later on New Year's day. Once again multiple times I checked in with him about watching the video. First, he said something like, "anytime after I wake up." We agreed to 8:30pm. I continued to check in with him. My mom was also in the plans to watch the video with us. Finally the time came, I walked into the room, told him I was going to set up the DVD player. This man then asks, "Can we watch it tomorrow?" I couldn't believe it. I was in such disbelief that I broke into a rage. I did every but curse, put my hands on him and crash the place. My mom came running worried about what was happening. I essentially told him in a rage that enough was enough and he needs to change. I defended my mom and all the stuff he puts her through and so on. It wasn't a pretty sight but spoiling him with gift didn't work so I allowed my rage to let loose. My mom was worried and I explained to her that I was in control and it's all strategic. She understood but of a course, a mom is going to be a mom.

We finally started setting up the video and I asked my mom to pray first. Then I gave a speech. I was at a point where I didn't even want to hear him sneeze. All he wanted to do was rush the process. I told him he doesn't get to talk right now, just listen. The video was about 10mins long. Of course, he complained about how long the video would be. The DVD player remote wasn't working so I had to play it from my computer. I had one technical difficulty with my computer and I had to restart it but nothing took too long.

Somewhere within the presentation, I told my parents that "I am crazy. I'm crazy enough to believe my parents can have a better life and I'm also crazy enough to put my father in a home if you don't start taking the initiative to better yourself. I ended up unleashing my rage again at the end because said something that went against what he just learned in the video and he started rushing me.

In conclusion, I don't regret any of my actions. I can comfortably say that I've tried to motivate him with kindness and when that didn't work I used rage. Rage didn't work either but I tried. I'm not proud of my moment of rage but my heart is at peace for trying. I'm literally dealing with The Most Stubbornest Man in the World. A big part of my soul has given up with him and those are words I don't use in my life. I don't give up. I do the things I do because I want my father to be happy and live a better life, but I can't force him. Yet there's alway's hope right? The second part of the contract mentions a mustard seed of hope. He'll probably resist even more when that time comes my mom is in agreement and that's all I have in terms of ideas.

Since this dilemma, my father and I have been great. My rage strategies are over, we're at peace and he's loving his new TV.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

* Editing Slates for Actors Access

* Uploading photos/Actors Access

* Won my first Fornite duel with Rodney's son Malcolm/Impulse

Monday, December 31, 2018

* Wal-Mart return...

* Finally got set up my fathers TV. He likes it. Of course, he does.

* Church with MaTown

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

* My father agreed to watch a video today and when it was time he said, "Can we watch it tomorrow?" That question unleashed my rage.

* Casting Network/LA Casting and Casting Frontier uploading

* Walk to the park and playing tennis with a wall

* Phone calling. Had a great conversation with my Aunty Bern

* Established a reunion group for TMMS

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

* Ink Tip submission

* Low spirited day

* Helping MaTown with PaPa and his bed...

* No audition callback notice today. I had a pretty stellar audition before the break. I was pretty confident that I would at least get a callback. I would've found out today. I didn't get the notice. I was surprised but also at ease. I wasn't going to make the trip anyway. I need this extra time in Tampa. It took a while before I started relaxing.

* Wal-Mart...

* Editing marking videos for my profile

Thursday, January 3, 2019

* Uploading photos on IMDB

* Dhar Mann productions inquired about my acting services for an upcoming video. I told them I'm not available and I later found out that they've been looking for a Motown type. There's also a chance they might reschedule for when I get back.

* SAG commercial decline. On the bright-side it looks like my new photos are working.

Friday, January 4, 2019

* Fitness Boxing pick up for Switch

* Picked up Haitian food for my parents

* Switch game night at Rodney's.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

* Wal-Mart list of errands

* At Pam's House. Watched Mowgli and an Episode of Black Mirror on Netflix.

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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