Saturday, May 9, 2020

Week 502: The Force is finally with me

Weekly Written Review 

For years, I walked this earth with shame, not ever watching a Star Wars movie. My friend Kevin B. always gave me a hard time about that. Since the pandemic, I realized if I don't watch Star Wars now, I'll probably never watch it. The same goes for anyone that has aspirations for writing. If you want to write and you're not taking advantage during the crisis, you're most likely never going to write. What that being said, I finally watched the first Star Wars and it was... okay. I'm glad I watched it but I didn't really enjoy it much. I watched Episode V in Week 503 and I enjoyed Yoda, a lot. That's about it. 

As far as my writing goes, I approached this week ready to tackle another project. There were some developments in week 501 for Project O but since then I've been stumped. Some okay characters were created but something about the story was not working. I spent a couple days trying to fix it but the results were empty. I was ready to toss the idea back in the vault. Then on Wednesday, Atarah and I went for a walk and chat. At the time I was on the brink of archiving the idea. This was possibly going to be our last discussion about it. We talked about the original concept in 2019 and our most recent ideas, still nothing. Then we started shifting our minds into the world of science fiction. Behold, Project O became Project E and I must say its magnificent. It's a creative long-shot and I can't wait to write the pilot.  

Sunday, April 26, 2020

* Turnips...

* Walking...

* Watching: Star Wars IV for the first time... 

Monday, April 27, 2020

* Watching: Part 1 & 2 of The Last Dance

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

* Selling Turnips...

* Taiko Drum competition... I won of course. 

* Watching: Part 3&4 of The Last Dance...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

* Walking and a huge brainstorm...aka project E. Followed by new development. We took out of voice recorder app for this one. 

Thursday, April 30, 2020

* Weekly 1.6 mile run. In 15:55 this time. My worst time but I also timed my self. There were issues. 

* Playing Spaltoon...

* Started Beter Call Saul season 5...

* Plot points for Project E...

Friday, May 1, 2020

* Garage stop. Cat food run...

*Watching: Better Call Saul...

Saturday, May 2, 2020

* Superior Groceries pickups...

* Watching: Better  Call Saul... 

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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