Thursday, December 7, 2023

Week 688: Plantar fasciitis

Weekly Written Review 

For a while now, I would wake up with my feet feeling tight in the morning but at some point this year it got really bad. My partner describes it as plantar fasciitis. There have been moments where I could barely walk in the morning. I was forced to invest in some orthopedic sandals and started soaking my feet last month. Thankfully, there wasn't much pain when it was time to play sports but the aftermath was real. 

On Tuesday, it got bad resulting in a lost tennis match I should've won. The feet weren't the only issue. I had a bad racquet, it was in the morning and the sun was impacting my serve. 

Nonetheless, I'm glad it happened. I immediately made adjustments. Epsom salt for soaking my feet. Demoed a new racquet and played the next match at night. 

My feet are not perfect but it's better. Less than two weeks later, I soaked my in ice, instead of hot water, which I was doing before. I also got some compression soaks in Week 690.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

* SCC demo editing...

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

* Watching Lakers game...

Monday, November 20, 2023 

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

* Pop visit...

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

* Tennis with Jeff. Lost at match 2 to 1. The results were very different for the rematch on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

* MP Sports demoing tennis racquets. 

* Pickleball...

* Blogging...

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

* Pop visit...

* Formulated a new game for an upcoming docuseries.

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

* Watching Mortal Kombat with Atarah. Team Viewer style.

Friday, November 24, 2023

* Audition prep submitted...

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

* SCC promotion prep...

Saturday, November 25, 2023

* Rematch against Jeff. All in my favor. My feet were on point.

* Digitizing WaW footage... 

* Started watching Blue Eye Samurai

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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