Monday, March 11, 2019

Week 441: Script Obession

Weekly Written Review 

I've written about the creative process before. It's ugly. The process is different for everyone but in general, it's not a pretty sight. I started editing video around 2000-ish. I began editing professionally a few years later. I rarely enjoyed the early drafts of editing. Organizing the footage and separating the good clips from the not needed clips. It sucks. Eventually, once I get past the beginning phases, editing actually becomes fun. Adding music and a cool intro makes the whole process completely worth it. I'm experiencing a similar turn of events with my script. On February 2nd I started my reread and finished this week. A few days later, I started the reread once again. In my second attempt to read my now 134-page script, I discovered so much more. I thought all the grammatical errors where gone, I was wrong. I found many more errors. Plus, I'm still getting more ideas. I'm now obsessed with my script. Never in a 1000-years did I ever think I would become obsessed with a document this long. Now I know it's possible and I'm enjoying it. I'm now enjoying it because the ugly part is far behind me. My initial write added the bones. The past few years I added some meat. Now I'm dressing this script up with some nicing looking clothes.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

* Script re-reading completed with my new opening scene. I believe I started on February 2nd.

* Fitness Boxing...

* I think started watching Netflix's Trollhunters day. It's really good. I love it.

Monday, February 25, 2019

* Movie Monday: Batman: Bad Blood

* Created a TMMS reunion system

* Fitness Boxing...

* Less than 24 hours after I completed my script read the weather got better. The sun came out and new opportunities came my way.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

* Basketball...I lost an Avocado on the way back :-(

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

* Smart & Final pick up. I got $10.00 cash back and the cashier gave me $20.00. I immediately brought it to her attention. I could've been $10.00 dollars richer but I'm proud of what I did.

* Another script read initiated. I completed my script re-read/re-write on Monday and I'm still pumped. I started again. Little did I know I would discover and new ideas. I'm obsessed.

* I started adding new information to my script's synopsis. It was good before but now it's even better. I wish had those updates before, hence past submissions. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

* Basketball...

* Script synopsis work...

* Watching Castle Rock...

* My landlady gave me two large Avocados for helping the other day. Yeah!

Friday, March 1, 2019

* 99 Cents Store pick ups...

* Ross...I purchased a back support cushion for my chair for when I'm writing. Body investments baby.

* Tonight I put in several hours of writing on my script and when I attempted to back it up I copied over the old version on my updated version. In an attempt to fix this, I lost everything. I mean everything. Both versions disappeared. It was terrible. I have a backup on an external hard drive but it's very old and doesn't include any 2019 updates. I was in panic mode. I didn't know what to do. I was looking into restoring my computer but it didn't look promising. Finally, I Youtubed how to restore Final Draft file. The voice in the video taught me something I never knew excited. I've been using Final Draft for years I never knew it automatically backs up your scripts. I would've been in serious trouble without this solution. God bless Final Draft. Thank the lord the whole ordeal didn't last very long and I didn't lose any sleep over it.  Before this mishap, I had a good time writing. I even recovered myself and I found a fun song to play with, "Taking It To The Streets."

Saturday, March 2, 2019

* I put in over for hours of writing on my script today. 12pm - 4:11pm without any food. That's a typical day of writing. Later in the day, I put more time in writing.

* Netflix...

* Fitness Boxing...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice


  1. I understand the huge headache that taking on long form writing can be, I haven't taken it on in some time though it's always in the back of my head but the drive isn't there for writing. I applaud you getting past the hurdle and enjoying the edge trimmings on the skeleton, wishing you continued positivity on the process. Reach out any time if you need my friend.

    1. Hey Raj, I just just realized you left a comment. I haven't got a real non-spam comment on here in years. I appreciate your comment and your encouraging words. It takes a long time to get pass the ugly and into the enjoyment phase. That's until some expert destroys it with their industry feedback, lol. Let's see what happens next. I got my eyes set on some screenwriting contests. I was trying to avoid them but I got to utilize all options. Thanks again.


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