Weekly Written Review
The word miracle is the best way to describe this week. The core focus of this week was the season 2 screening of The Late Night Experiment. I was hoping for a strong turnout but we had an approximate strong and loyal 25 or so. The series was received very well from the audience. I was even able to get some on camera feed back with the assistance of a reporter friend. That's not even the best part. Weeks before the event I communicated with the owner about details. At one point he mentioned a price which I thought was great compared to other quotes I was getting. Then for some reason, as we got closer I would ask questions about the payment and I wouldn't get a response to those particular questions. To make a long story short. The event came and passed. Miracle! I got everything I envisioned on the premiere night. I even got personal confirmation of an observation I always suspected. I'll explain that in the final thoughts.
You'll notice in the photos below that my Thanksgiving was pathetic but I could careless. The every next day redeemed a treat far great than any meal. Not really but it felt like that.
The 4th Quarter Wrap Fest is coming up and I've spent no time planning it. As a matter of fact its two weeks away on December 15th. My priorities was the season 2 premiere. As soon as it ended, I was able to shift focus. My initial vision was to have it as an invite event only. Rent out a house or a hotel room. In less then 48hrs I realized it was a dead idea. It just wasn't working out. Cottages charge for each person you bring in and hotel parking prices are ridiculous. Then on Friday, as I stressing, rubbing my temples trying to figure out what to do next I heard a voice echo in my head. At the premiere, a lady who I think I briefly met before told me I should bring one of my events to her location. Its a museum and library in Culver City. I'm familiar with the location because I've attended a few 3A's meetings there. Plus a gentlemen by the name of Bill Wynn always encouraged me to use the facility. When she mentioned the location at the premiere I didn't even put any thought into it.
Not until Friday afternoon did it resurface back to mind. I called Bill Wynn he give me her number. She invited me to their event the next day. I attended. She put me in contact with the main person who briefly remember meeting me at a previous 3A's meeting. I wanted Saturday the 14th. It was booked. He suggested Sunday the 15th. I thought about it for a moment and I took it. That's not even the miracle part of it. He asked for my budget. I hesitated and asked for a price range. More than once he told me I can't afford their prices. Finally, I told him a modest but in my mind respectable range. In disbelief he cut $50.00 from what I offered and said bring cash on the day off. That was it. I couldn't believe it.
I truly don't know who I pulled that off. God. Prayers. Faith... I really can't believe it. In addition to that, the location is amazing. I'm excited about exposing my audience to this historic location. I'm sure myself and some of them once exposed to it will possibly use the facility in the very near future.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
* Completed season 2 of The Late Night Experiment...
Monday, November 25, 2013
* If I didn't show the paper work today, my food stamps would be be terminated on the 30th.
* Get together at Kevin Boots.
* Pre-acceptance notice to the Mock Comedy Film Festival
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
* Season 2 Premiere of The Late Night Experiment. See photos
* I had to turn down two gigs because of my premiere. That never happens.
* Its over for real this time. Hence the final thoughts.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
* Recovering...
Thursday, November 28, 2013
* Thanksgiving day
This thanksgiving was just me and Mr. Chill. Tuna, Sardines and Crackers. |
Friday, November 29, 2013
* Ma's miracle blessing
* Location bright idea for Q4
My thanksgiving meal sucked but I'm thankful for my Sizzler treat the next day. |
Saturday, November 30, 2013
* Official location confirmation
* Submitted to the Pan African Film Festival in person.
Final Thoughts
Since early October a particular somebody reentered my life on a personal level and everyday since then she had me wondering whether she really like me or not. A man just knows when a woman likes him. I asked myself this question every since I met her. Its been a bit of a roller-coaster for the past couple of months. I mean, the thought of her was completely canceled from existence and then October came. There where moments when I could say, "Yes, she likes me." Most of the time I was confused. Furthermore, I'm always observing. Its what I do best. On the day of my premiere I found myself asking her two lone questions. Way before the event started, I asked her, "Have you decided if you're going to like me or not today." I never got a complete answer. Later in the night when the event was completely over. I figured it out. My second and last question implied what I figured out and provided the closer I needed. She admitted to my observation and that's all that I needed. I won't mention what I figured out but just now it was a deal breaker for me.
Now everything makes complete sense to me. It explains why I was so aggressively trying to push her away previously. When it comes to relationships, I have made drastic decisions over the past decade that can't be explained in the moment. Later as time progresses, its revealed why things had to end. Destruction is justified. Oh how I would love a special somebody but...but...but...I digress.
As the quest continues...
The Future of Late Night
Motown Maurice